Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Madison High School Students

As I am preparing for my upcoming journey I thought I would share this blog address with the students I had this past fall in my Holocaust/Human Rights class at Madison High School.  Welcome to any of those students who are checking in to see/hear about my experiences.

Most were seniors so they have now graduated (Congratulations!!!!!!) but may still be interested in my trip.  I hope you are all doing well.

The countdown to the trip is now 5 1/2 weeks, so I still have a while to wait.  However, I fly off to Washington DC in 11 days for a week.  Then after a whole 3 days at home My wife, my son Josh, and I will be flying off to Hong Kong to pick up our oldest son Jake from his LDS mission.  We will spend two weeks touring Hong Kong and China.  It will be amazing!!!!   But, then after another 3 days at home I fly off to Washington DC again for orientation for this Holocaust Education Tour.  Wow!  What a great collection of experiences await me this summer.  I can't wait to get started. 

More to come later. . . .    :)