Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Learning in DC

This week I'm in Washington DC with the other Social Studies teachers from my school district as part of a Teaching American History Grant from the Federal government.  This grant allows us to bring experts to Rexburg to teach us as well as allows us to travel and see the sites we teach about in order to learn more ourselves so we can better teach our students.

So far we've visited memorials and monuments, and we've gone to Gettysburg.  Visiting the battlefield and having a park ranger come on our bus to teach us as we went through the battlefield was a great experience.  This is an incredible opportunity.

Below is a photo of my high school's social studies department at the area where Robert E. Lee prepared the plan for July 3, 1863 - Pickett's Charge. 

Having a great time!!!!

I'll be back later.  :)