Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Getting Started

Hi all,

Late in 2010 I applied to travel with a group of teachers and learn more about the Holocaust and Holocaust Education.  I was notified early this year that I was accepted! (Whoo Hooo!)  :)

We will be spending just over 3 weeks going to Washington DC and learning at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.  Then we fly to Israel and travel to Jerusalem where we will study at Yad Vashem (the Israeli Holocaust Museum).  I believe we will have some time to tour the city and I'm excited to see the religious sites as well.  After Israel, we travel to Poland where we will visit the major Concentration Camps/Killing Centers.  Then we go to Germany where we will visit more Camps and study in Berlin.

What an amazing opportunity!  I can't wait to learn more, experience more, and develop better ways to teach my students how they can change the world by making a difference to just one other person.

Remember "The One."

“History counts its skeletons in round numbers”

History counts its skeletons in round numbers.
A thousand and one remains a thousand,
as though the one had never existed:
an imaginary embryo, an empty cradle,
an ABC never read,
air that laughs, cries, grows,
emptiness running down steps toward the garden,
nobody’s place in the line

From “Some Like Poetry”, by Wislawa Szymborska

1 comment:

  1. I want to let you know that I am excited for you and your adventure. Our family lived in Israel for 2 years and my husband has studied the history and language of Israel. We all have a great love and appreciation for this part of the world and for the unique history and experiences it has brought to our lives. Your students will be richly blessed by your education and knowledge of such a sacred part of our history.
