Sunday, July 3, 2011

Day 1 - We all arive in DC

QUESTION: How do you get a US History teacher who loves Washington DC, her museums and monuments, more than any other city to NOT want to go out and see what there is to see?

ANSWER: Take him to the United States Holocaust Museum and explain what he’ll be seeing and experiencing over the next three weeks.  Then take him and his 26 fellow participants and feed them a nice dinner while listening to two Holocaust Survivors tell their stories.  That’s how you keep him from wanting to go out and see the sights. . . . .

Today has been a great day.  I was able to sleep in a little bit and then head out to the best museum in the DC area – the United States Holocaust Museum.  The 27 of us went in the back door as a group and went down to a classroom where we went through orientation. 

It was great to hear exactly where we would be and what things we would experience – I am getting really excited.  Our facilitators (group leaders) are amazing and have done this trip for years.  They are extremely knowledgeable and a lot of fun to be with.  They will be showing us some amazing places.

Tomorrow (July 4) we’re going back to the Holocaust Museum (the only days the museum is closed is Yom Kippur and Christmas) where we will have a chance to go through the permanent exhibits before they are open to the public.  I’ve had this experience before – to stand and look at the exhibits with no one else in sight.  It’s a powerful thing and I look forward to it.
And, tomorrow night we'll be watching the fireworks from the Mall!  How cool is that!?!?!?!?!

Well, I’ll have more for you tomorrow (today was really only a half-day) so we’ll catch up then. 

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