Saturday, July 2, 2011

Getting Started - In DC

Hi all,

Just 4 days after returning from China to pick up my son from his LDS mission in Hong Kong, I've flown to Washington DC for meetings at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum before we fly off to Israel. 

I've met a few of the other teachers who are a part of our group.  All seem dedicated teachers and fun individuals.  I look forward to getting to know them better over the next 3 weeks.

Someone suggested we go to Chinatown to have dinner.  I wasn't too excited with this idea, having eaten Chinese food for the last two weeks straight, but I went with them anyway.  We went to Tony Cheng's Mongolian Restaurant - and it was pretty good.  (that's the pic)

Well, I really get started tomorrow.  I'll have more for you then..

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